90 Day World Wide Challenge

with WILDFIT® MASTER Coach Michelle Templeton

Last week to sign up

Challenge starts 29th January 2024

Enrolment closes in:


Perhaps you are trying to juggle it all and the ball you’ve gone and dropped is this confusing thing called HEALTH. 

Are you sick of feeling sick or just tired of being tired?

Maybe you are mourning the energy you used to have, back before parenthood?

Early Bird Offer

$995 USD  

NOW  $895 USD
offer ends: 18/1/2023

Join the 90 Day World Wide Challenge and start living the lifestyle you LOVE today!

This course is for you if you

Imagine in only 90 days feeling like you have taken charge and emotional eating is a thing of the past. Walking past a mirror and actually liking what you see. And instead of hiding the body parts you don’t like with the same boring baggy clothes, actually getting excited and enjoying the clothes you wear.

Health isn’t something you tick off your to do list. IT IS BUILT step by step. Let’s take the hassle out of trying to piece it all together.
Are you ready to be that parent that your children admire because you are still fun, energetic, and making the most of the magical family moments you spend together? 
Join the 90 day challenge — Wild Ride to Health 90 Day Challenge Michelle Templeton

There are so many addictions we have to overcome…smoking, alcohol and sugar -(which let’s face it is one of the most addictive drugs out there).  However in this challenge you can overcome those addictions with a new one. You can get addicted to feeling good…AGAIN! 

But you’ve tried all this before haven’t you? A diet didn’t work then, so why should it work now?

And that is right, it does take time but maybe you’ve been doing it all wrong. For starters this isn’t a diet as you are making long lasting changes. And maybe it has felt overwhelming as you’ve been trying to master your health on your own, using willpower only to bounce back worse off than when you started.

That’s the mistake, doing it on your OWN.

To succeed you need a community, regular coaching and accountability and someone else to provide the inspiration.

So who will I do this challenge with?

Health and Life Coach Michelle Templeton

WILDFIT® MASTER Coach Michelle Templeton is an international award winning coach who will be supporting you on your Wild Ride to Health! With a true zest for life and a background in Education, she has been involved in coaching, self development and teaching for over 20 years.

“Michelle Templeton embodies everything that WILDFIT values: positivitivity, connection, community, growth and achieving optimal health.”

- WILDFIT Headquarters

Michelle is unforgettable. Her energy, enthusiasm, passion and commitment to clients is globally renowned. While running her business “Wild Ride to Health” her favourite part about coaching is watching her clients go from point A to point B. From struggling and surviving to being energised and thriving! She also loves when her clients reach out to her months/years later sharing how well they’re doing with all the NEW exciting improvements that have occurred in their life. 
“Michelle, you add energy at every workshop you show up at, every trip that we have been on together and it is a true, true honour to have you as part of our tribe and as part of our community. I really, really appreciate it.”

Eric Edmeades, Founder of WILDFIT

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You’ll also have so much more support on your 13 week journey. This challenge is a two for one deal. You get the best of both worlds. 

So it’s TIME to enrich your life and regain your vitality.
It is TIME to  create a better future for you and your family.

Commonly Asked Questions

Above all else, the WILDFIT programme is based on one scientific fact: it’s both infuriatingly hard, and unnecessary to try to improve your health through conventional diet and exercise programs. Statistics even show that the average American actually gains 3 lbs for every diet programme they try. Because these traditional diets are designed by people who don’t approach health problems holistically.

On the contrary, the WILDFIT programme is based on the principle that ‘every living thing has a natural diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on that diet is the same degree to which it will experience health and longevity.

WILDFIT draws heavily from evolutionary history, nutritional anthropology and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities to map out the perfect natural human diet. When this is combined with the powerful science of behavioral psychology, it makes for a body transformation programme that’s more permanently effective than anything else out there.

So yes, we’re confident that WILDFIT will do wonders for your body and overall well being – no matter your past experiences with weight loss or healing.

There are many similarities between WILDFIT and the Paleo Diet and the Keto Diet. However, what distinguishes WILDFIT is the enormous emphasis we place on mindset and behavioural change. Instead of just telling you what to eat, we give you the tools to rewire your thoughts (and therefore, your actions) around food, alcohol, caffeine, and much more.

No, you do not need to take any additional supplements during the program or after the program has ended. WILDFIT is designed to create permanent change. This has been proven time and time again with our students who, after months of having completed WILDFIT, never regain the extra weight and remain at peak levels of health.

Our aim is for you to return to your healthiest state for good.

No. One of the biggest myths in health and fitness is the idea that you need to exercise to get healthy. But the truth is, science has shown that 95% of your body shape is determined by your diet, and only 5% is determined by your physical activity.

However, one of the best side-effects of going on the WILDFIT programme is that you will likely experience spikes in energy and you may actually feel like wanting to exercise. But this is not a necessary aspect of the programme.

One of the key principles of the WILDFIT programme is that you are never hungry…ever. There is no need to spend time weighing food, taking supplements, counting calories or macronutrients. Instead you will learn to tune into your body’s messages and feed it the fuel it needs without ever going hungry. 

We believe so firmly in WILDFIT that we’re proud to offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you complete at least 80% of the programme and decide that you’re not pleased with your experience, we’ll gladly offer you a full refund.

Time and time again we hear clients say that  their life has forever changed after doing this programme. We really mean it is the last diet you will ever do as you become addicted to feeling good and to this new lifestyle. 

So you have nothing to lose. How good will it feel to go from just surviving to absolutely thriving!?

But it’s the gift that keeps on giving! By prioritising your health, you’ll actually improve the lives of others!

We know that bad health can be contagious but what about spreading good health like wildfire.

When you do this challenge you will not just inspire your family and friends, you will be making an international impact. When you sign up for this challenge you ‘ll also be creating a better future for 100s of children at Ikirwa School in Tanzania. At Ikirwa School the students have all their meals provided for them. For this particular challenge, a portion of each individual’s payment will be donated to support the building of a kitchen and dining hall. 

Ikirwa School

Book in for call
Let me know the best time to drop you a call and I will be in touch. We will work out if the 90 Day Challenge is the right fit for you and you can ask me any questions you might have.
Your form has been submitted. Thanks for getting in touch, I look forward to our catch up. - Michelle Templeton

Are you ready to take the challenge?